In the ever-changing world of SEO, getting your site to rank on Google can feel like climbing a mountain with all the complex algorithms and fierce competition out there.

But, link building is like your secret weapon. It’s like the golden ticket to Google’s heart, as it’s one of the most important factors for ranking.

To really show why having a strong backlink profile matters for your website, here are 8 key benefits of link building that you need to know:

What is Link Building?

In the vast landscape of the internet, backlinks are the threads that weave the web together. They are essentially links from one website to another. 

Think of them as virtual referrals or citations.

When one website links to another, it’s the same as saying, “Hey, check out this valuable resource over there!” 

For example, imagine you’re reading an article on food and beverage start-ups, and within that article, there’s a link to a reputable organic food-producing business where you can buy the food mentioned – that’s a backlink! 

screenshot of a backlink in a Forbes article
Fresh Take: Food Startups Face A Make-Or-Break Year In 2024 by Chloe Sorvino, Forbes

This backlink guides you to another relevant and useful source, serving as a pathway that not only connects different corners of the internet but also plays a crucial role in determining a website’s credibility and authority.

1. Boosts Search Rankings

The more top quality links a page has, the higher it will be able to rank. They are one of the biggest factors in determining your ranking on Google.


screenshot from a graph from Backlinko

A study shown by Backlinko shows that the #1 results has an average of 3.8x more backlinks than the results rankings #2-#10.

Quality Over Quantity: It’s super important to get links from solid, industry-related sites. A few high-quality links can do way more good than a bunch of low-quality ones. This approach boosts credibility and reliability in the eyes of search engines.

  • Direct Ranking Impact: Links act as endorsements, suggesting other websites consider the content valuable.
  • Relevance Matters: When you get links from sites in your industry or niche, it tells search engines that your content is on point for the topic. That could mean better rankings for your keywords.

2. Strengthens Domain Authority

By acquiring high-quality backlinks, a website signals its relevance and authority to search engines.

One of the primary benefits is the enhanced perception of a domain’s expertise and trustworthiness. This is because search engines, like Google, use complex algorithms that ‘weigh’ the quality and number of incoming links as a significant factor when determining a website’s domain authority.

Staying on top of your link building game from good, relevant sites, can lead to:

  • Increased domain authority score.
  • Improved search rankings for a website’s pages.

A diverse link profile, comprising links from a variety of sources, further strengthens domain authority. This diversity indicates to search engines that the content is valuable across different audiences and contexts. Here is a simple breakdown of types of backlinks that can impact domain authority:

  • Editorial links: Links included naturally within relevant content.
  • Guest blogging: Links acquired by writing content for other trusted websites.
  • Business associations: Links from business partners or industry associations.
  • Directories: Links obtained from listing your website in online directories.

A website that consistently earns quality backlinks will likely see a steady climb in its domain authority. This gradual improvement tells search engines that the site is a growing resource of valuable information, which can lead to better visibility in search results—a key feature for any online presence in 2024.

Screenshot from SERanking

This example, pulled from SERanking, shows a site with a Domain Authority (Domain Trust on SERanking) of 78, with some 1.8M backlinks to show for it. And this domain rating will be sure to get the attention of search engines.

3. Increases Website Traffic

By getting high-quality backlinks from trusted sources, a website can attract more visitors who are interested in its content.

Targeted Referral Traffic

When a website obtains backlinks from industry-relevant sources or influential platforms, it’s  more likely to receive visitors who are looking for specific information or products related to that site.

    • Precise Audience: Links from niche websites bring users with aligned interests.
    • High Engagement: Visitors from referral links tend to engage more with the content.

Ahrefs screenshot of a graph
This image was pulled from Ahrefs, and shows that the more referring domains that you have, the more traffic you get.

Brand Visibility in Key Markets

Putting backlinks in the right spots within industry-specific sources can grab the attention of the audience you want to reach, boosting your visibility and reputation.

  • Key Publications: Links from leading journals or websites in a sector directly improve visibility among a professional audience.
  • Consumer Platforms: For consumer-focused brands, links on popular forums or review sites boost presence among potential customers.

4. Improves Brand Credibility

Link building in 2024 significantly strengthens brand credibility by developing trust with audiences and kickstarting a brand’s authority within its industry.

Trust Through Association

When a brand gets links from solid, well-known sites, it taps into the trust those sites have with their readers. People are more likely to trust the brand too, seeing it as reliable and respectable.

  • Affiliation with esteemed sites: A direct correlation exists between the calibre of linking domains and perceived trustworthiness.
  • Quality over quantity: A few high-quality links can do more for brand trust than a bunch of low-quality links.

Authority in Industry

By consistently appearing on authoritative sources, this demonstrates brand expertise and thought leadership.

  • Visibility in niche circles: Showing up often on industry platforms makes a brand look like it knows its stuff.
  • Experts referencing experts: When industry leaders reference a brand, it reinforces that brand’s authority in the eyes of the audience and peers alike.

5. Long-Term Link Equity

Link equity is like the value a link hands off to another site. The value of the link depends on how trustworthy the site doing the linking is, how well the linked content fits on the site, and what words are used in the link (anchor text).

Sites with strong link equity are viewed more favourably by search engines and therefore maintain rankings for longer periods. 

Compounding Growth Effect

The compounding effect of link building is evident when high-quality backlinks continually improve a site’s search visibility, attracting more organic traffic. As traffic increases, the site’s reach expands, leading to more natural backlinks and a self-reinforcing cycle of growth.

6. Diverse Traffic Sources

In 2024, link building extends the reach of a website beyond traditional organic search results.

Dependence Reduction on Organic Search

Building links to a site mitigates the reliance solely on search engines. By securing links from a variety of websites, they diversify their traffic sources, making their overall traffic more stable against changes in search engine algorithms.

Access to New Audiences

Link building campaigns often target platforms that cater to specific demographics, interests, or industries. This deliberate outreach introduces content to new audiences, who may have not discovered it through organic search alone.

7. Boosted Social Media Engagement

Quality links from reputable sources can lead to increased visibility and interactions on social platforms.

Amplified Social Signals

When a website receives backlinks from social media, it signals to search engines that the content is valuable and engaging. For example:

  • Twitter: Tweets with links can appear in search results, offering more opportunities for engagement.
  • Facebook: Shares and likes on posts with links contribute to the content’s visibility.

Enhanced Social Discovery

Effective link building can lead to content surfacing on various social platforms, which in turn assists in:

  • Brand Awareness: As users discover and share content, brand visibility improves.
  • Traffic: Strategic links on social media can directly increase traffic to a site.

8. Building Relationships

In 2024, link building is all about building relationships. By teaming up and working together, businesses can use their combined strengths to mutually grow.

Strategic Partnerships

By co-creating content or sharing resources, businesses can maximise visibility and reinforce authority within their respective niches. An example is a tech blog partnering with a software company to produce in-depth tutorials, resulting in a symbiotic relationship that enhances the link profile and industry standing of both parties.

Collaborative Marketing Efforts

Joint marketing campaigns are a testament to the power of collaboration, aligning the promotional efforts of different entities for a common goal. For instance, two complementary service providers may co-sponsor an industry webinar, interlinking their digital assets. Through this, they not only expand their reach but also improve the efficacy of their link-building strategies, tapping into each other’s audiences for increased referral traffic.


Where algorithms, consumer behaviours, and competition constantly evolve, you now know how important backlinks are for SEO.

The next step is building those links, and improving your overall SEO. This is where we can help you.

Gain more of an insight into what we do and how we can help to expand your online presence to drive your company’s success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Building links is key to having a strong online presence. Here are some common questions about its benefits.

How does link building enhance search engine rankings?

Link building signals to search engines that others vouch for a website’s content. When multiple reputable sites link to a particular page, search engines interpret this as a sign of quality and relevance, often boosting that page’s ranking in search results.

What impact does link building have on a website’s domain authority?

Domain authority is a metric that predicts a website’s ability to rank in search engines. Quality backlinks from authoritative sites increase a website’s domain authority, which can lead to higher rankings and more organic search visibility.

What are the advantages of acquiring high quality backlinks for a website?

High-quality backlinks drive targeted traffic and enhance the trust and credibility of a website. They act as endorsements from reputable sources, which can significantly improve the perceived value of a site’s content in the eyes of users and search engines alike.

How can link building impact referral traffic?

A backlink from a well-visited website can lead to a substantial increase in referral traffic. Visitors who click through such links are generally interested in the content being linked to, resulting in highly targeted and engaged traffic.

In what ways does link building contribute to long-term success of content marketing?

Link building complements content marketing by increasing the reach and lifespan of content. It ensures that quality content gets the recognition it deserves, creating a sustainable cycle of sharing and linking that continues to drive results over time.

What is the optimal time frame to initiate link building for a new website?

Starting link building early in a website’s life helps to establish domain authority and search engine presence from the outset. It typically takes several months to see results from link building efforts, so beginning within the first few months of launching a new site is advisable.

How does a robust link-building strategy improve brand visibility online?

A robust link-building strategy places a brand in front of a wider audience through various high-profile platforms. This increased visibility elevates the brand’s profile and helps to establish it as a leader in its respective industry or niche.

Do more backlinks guarantee a higher rank?

Having more backlinks doesn’t necessarily mean a higher rank. While backlinks are important for SEO, quality matters more than quantity. Search engines like Google prioritise relevance, authority, and trustworthiness when evaluating backlinks. So, it’s better to focus on building high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites rather than just accumulating a large number of them.

Does the anchor text matter?

Yes, anchor text is significant for backlinks. It provides context to both users and search engines about the content of the linked page. Using descriptive and relevant anchor text helps search engines understand the relevance of the linked page to the target keywords. However, it’s essential to maintain a natural balance in anchor text usage and avoid over-optimisation, as Google may penalise your site for excessive use of exact match anchor text.

Are backlinks with high spam scores something to be worried about?

Having one singular backlink with a high spam score might not impact your website’s SEO performance. However, multiple spammy backlinks could accumulate over time and potentially harm your site’s reputation and search engine rankings. Therefore, it’s advisable to regularly monitor your backlink profile and take action to disavow or remove any spammy backlinks to maintain a healthy SEO strategy.