
SEO Executive

Alec is the newest member of the team. Alec joined us with a strong interest in the digital landscape, recently completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and now a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship.


Alec loves staying active, and plays football for his local town. He is a big fan of football and the NBA, occasionally playing basketball sometimes as well. He also creates and edits content for his own pages on various social media platforms.

I have a range of hobbies. However, aside from content creation, they usually revolve around two things: football and basketball. I like playing the two sports, while also doing it virtually either on FIFA or NBA2k on the PlayStation.
Probably Brazil! I love Brazilian music as well as the culture surrounding football.
It’s a tough one! But if I had to choose, it would probably be Django Unchained with Jamie Foxx. Great film!

What Alec’s Listening To